Out Of Sight poker chips were designed by a team of blind poker players. In order to appreciate the fine quality of Out Of Sight poker chips, just hold then in your hand. The extra weight, the three shapes, and the smooth texture make Out Of Sight poker chips easy to sort and stack. The stacked chips are unusually stable. [Made of a hard, dense plastic.] These are manufactured by Exceptional Teaching Aids. There are 100 chips in the box. [Exceptional Teaching Aids is still around, started in 1974. Box of chips looks old. But they still seems to be selling them today, maybe. They have a search engine in the site, and I can't find "Out of Sight" brand. Braille playing cards too:
http://store.exceptionalteaching.net/dpcs.html ]
For those interested, I'll send you a set of three for $3 post-paid via check or PayPal (not credit card-funded PayPal payments; I have a Personal PayPal account).