Don, it's obvious from my illustrations ..
that the chips are CHIPCO samples, which is why they were included in my ebay presentation. The reason that CHIPCO went to notching their samples was to prevent exactly what I described. Some less-than-honest folks were attempting to cash in early CHIPCO sample chips by inserting them in with non-sample chips since they had no notches. CHIPCO then began notchng their chips very slightly, maybe because of gaming regulations that required it. This too was not effective and they began making even larger notches. Many collectors (including myself regarding A.C. samples) pay big money for legitimate casino CHIPCO samples. I'm sure that if Gene were around he would substantiate this. This however was not the issue that I took up with you.
Your post flatly proclaimed that my Gold Rush Casino chips on ebay was not a casino ... that it was an on-line poker site ... which definitely is untrue. I too googled to get the information posts I presented as fact.... which was not difficult to find if one went down the listings far enough.
As for your apology, of course I accept it. We've been friends for a long time.