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The Chip Board Archive 17

grin Here's the matching $25... grin

same mold (weave) & same hot-stamp. The Chip Rack lists a $1 & this $25...but no $5. It is also noted as "attributed to...". In any case, those $5 chips sure do look like they came from the same family!! vbg Bedo

Messages In This Thread

is this chip positivley IDed?
sad Hey Von, No Mag yet & vbg
NP, will have it in mail tomorrow grin
Re: NP, will have it in mail tomorrow grin
vbg Should have said "THANKS" WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
actually, it just went out grin
vbg Nice looking chip ya got vbg
A lot like the Show Boat ZIGZAG
grin Here's the matching $25... grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg