Anyway, when you key in shift + Print Scrn, the system places a picture of what is on the screen into RAM (memory). In order to render that picture, you need to place it into a graphics program. As stated in another reply, MS/Paint is fairly standard, but nearly any graphics program will work, like PhotoShop, and the freebie programs that come with most scanners. Just open the application, select New (most applications will size themselves based on the contents of the picture in memory (RAM)) so just go with the defaults when it wants a name, size, etc. Once you have the blank canvas, just do a paste (Control + v) and the picture of the screen will be the image. From there you can size it, crop and save it and upload it to TheChipBoard or use it elsewhere as an image file.
(Also, please see my post about ZapGrab, in this same thread.)