Big Change - This time, I will put out two versions - The FULL version (including pictures and more club info) and a LITE version (which will have the pictures stripped out and an abbreviated club name and city title). I was told the printed version was too large last time and I should try to cut it down. I'm hoping the LITE version will serve this purpose.
Also, I will have a rather lengthy "Notes" suppliment which will give more info as to estimated populations, chip record and other info. I'm hoping that by segregating this part from the original book, it will cut down on the bulk, but give me more room to elaborate for those who are interested in more than just the listings.
If you have any suggestions for questions, sooner rather than later would be best as once I get into it, its more difficult to go back and change things.
I have no target date for the release as I don't know what kind of time I can devote. As usual, I will be asking my fellow Illegal Eagles for assistance in accumulating data.
Take it easy everyone,