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The Chip Board Archive 03

Re: Nice job, Marv ... here are three more ...

Patty Geire managed the Sonoma Joes and she owned the P and G (Patty and Gloria) previously. The P and G chips were used until the Sonoma Joes arrived but it was a brief period, mainly for the weekly tournements which you probably attended. The $100 White was very hard to get because they paid that tourney off in 5 of those chips. Something like 3 for first and 2 for second and two or three were never cashed they would never sell me one for less than face. Therefore, I had very few to sell for over $100 each!!!. Mike kept the 94 or so left in the box and as far as I know, still has them. As for the black $100 tourney chip.....Jok-Erz wild still uses them in their seldom played tournements and is very tight on their count.
The "R" Chip was sold to them by me to use for a very short period of time as the quarter drop chip when they began the 21 game and were constantly in fear of being shut down in those days for running a "blackjack "game they waited for about 3 months before ordering quarter chips for the drop. The R stands for Ralph which I believe was some guy that ran the game at the very beginning and he like my chips with his initial....whatever. Memory is bad on this one since they never paid me for the chips and I only had like 3 left.

Messages In This Thread

Sonoma Joe's (500K image!) all but....
Re: Sonoma Joe's (500K image!) all but....
Re: Sonoma Joe's (500K image!) all but....
Re: Sonoma Joe's (500K image!) all but....
Re: Sonoma Joe's (500K image!) all but....
Re: Sonoma Joe's (500K image!) all but....
Re: Sonoma Joe's Numbers
Nice job, Marv ... here are three more ...
Re: Nice job, Marv ... here are three more ...
Thanks for the update, Mel ...
That is a truly UGLY scan ...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg