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The Chip Board Archive 17

Help with this eBay auction please

This auction states a few confusing things. Maybe someone can explain to me what I seem to be misunderstanding.

1. It says this is a coin-inlay chip. It doesn't appear to be similar to any CIC I own or have ever seen.
2. The auction in two places seems to be for 10 chips, but the auction says CHIP (maybe a typo) and selling 10 $5 chips for a $9.99 buy-it-now price makes no sense to me. If this is real, seems a steal for $50 worth of real casino chips.

Please aid in my edumacation. vbg Thanks.

P.S. If you grab this auction after seeing this post before I can buy it after I receive my edumacation, please throw me a bone and send me one.

Messages In This Thread

Help with this eBay auction please
Re: Help with this eBay auction please
Re: Help with this eBay auction please
Re: Help with this eBay auction please
Re: Help with this eBay auction please

Copyright 2022 David Spragg