The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 17

Re: grin Pam G., Oh Mighty Keeper of...

"One question, though, how did that El Rancho chip end up on Page 25 of the El Rancho Vegas segment?"

Well, you see, it was this way....

Brian and I had about 10 days, or so, to get everything to Allan. I emailed photos of stuff and chips to Allan, I snail-mailed postcards and matchbooks to Brian, Brian emailed scans of postcards and chips to Allan, my husband and I met with Allan in Reno and delivered a cd with the article and some photos, I gave Allan a couple of sheets of fuzzy postcard photos with notes as to what was what, and I gave Allan a 'hard copy' of the article with scribbles and changes on it.

Allan had to sort it all out, then put it back together as a finished article. grin I think he did a great job! The El Rancho chip being a teensy bit out of order was the only 'oopsie' I could find....isn't Allan awesome!!? grin

Thanks for your kind words, they're much appreciated grin . Part 2 is in progress, and ...who knows, the peephole story might even land in part 3.... grin

Messages In This Thread

grin Pam G., Oh Mighty Keeper of...
grin Congratulations Pam and Brian...
Re: grin Congratulations Pam and Brian...
vbg You Betcha vbg
Re: grin Pam G., Oh Mighty Keeper of...
Re: grin You All Did a Great Job!!! grin
Re: grin Pam G., Oh Mighty Keeper of...
Re: grin Awwww, shucks....
Re: grin Awwww, shucks....
Re: grin Awwww, shucks....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg