Well, you see, it was this way....
Brian and I had about 10 days, or so, to get everything to Allan. I emailed photos of stuff and chips to Allan, I snail-mailed postcards and matchbooks to Brian, Brian emailed scans of postcards and chips to Allan, my husband and I met with Allan in Reno and delivered a cd with the article and some photos, I gave Allan a couple of sheets of fuzzy postcard photos with notes as to what was what, and I gave Allan a 'hard copy' of the article with scribbles and changes on it.
Allan had to sort it all out, then put it back together as a finished article. I think he did a great job! The El Rancho chip being a teensy bit out of order was the only 'oopsie' I could find....isn't Allan awesome!!?
Thanks for your kind words, they're much appreciated . Part 2 is in progress, and ...who knows, the peephole story might even land in part 3....