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The Chip Board Archive 17

Thanks Chuck
In Response To: Jodi..... ()

There is one person on this board that keeps goading me--I guess this is mainly to shut him up! I know I don't have to prove anything to anyone. Our reputation speaks for itself!

Anyway, I believe Dean has gotten side-tracked on that project. He may have done one or two. He has several started, but can't seem to get the background on them he wants. I'll tell him you asked about it. I sure would like to see those published in a book form of some kind some day. They really are nice to have, as you well know.

BTW, how have you been? Haven't seen you in so long--we are both getting too old to travel to Las Vegas anymore. It is now a 2 day road trip to get there for us, and that is LONG days 10-12 hours for 2 days--these bones just can't handle that anymore vbg

Jodi CH0009-A
Casino Collectibles

Messages In This Thread

NCR--just a vent---NCR
Re: NCR--just a vent---NCR
Thanks for your input
Re: Thanks for your input
HEY! My sister used...
Thanks Chuck
Ah... Excuse me!.. What is/are...
I'll scan one of my sheets and post it here later.
Re: NCR--just a vent---NCR
Re: NCR--just a vent---NCR
Jodi, I appreciate you better explaining your
Glad I was finally able to...

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