While It would be nice to have a "Roll off the Tongue" acronynm, I really dont see the benefits to changing a club name that has been in existance and working for the past 15 years.
I can however see the cons to changeing the name which is mostly additional costs to the club. All club paperwork, BOD & Chairperson Letterhead, Business Cards, Stationary, documents ect would need to be changed and reordered. The Club Bank accounts would have to be closed and reopened under new names and all the paperwork refiled. Insurance accounts, legal documents and possibly even the clubs Non Profit status would have to be refiled with a new name.
Basically everything that is already printed would instantly become worthless and we would need to reorder everything at a tremendous cost to the club. These are a few of the things that I come up with off the top of my head and I am sure there are dozens of pitfalls I havent even thought of yet.
Now, with that being said, I can always change my opinion if someone can give me some reasons why we should make a change. Other than its tough to day 5 times fast, I just cant think of any reason to change.
Once again, this is all perconal opinions and NOT being said as a BOD member.
By the way, I think this was the best issue in a long time and I completely enjoyed reading it from cover to cover. A Fantastic job again by Pam and Brian and I really enjoyed the piece that Aaron did as well at the end (Even if he did neglect to mention my name as the first Splashy Award Winner).
And the best part of all...... The front cover. I just LOVE those Vintage Vegas pics......
Thanks to all involved in the magazine for another Award Winning Issue !!!!!!!!!!
Doug "Cigarman" Smith