... chips. I sent TWO more emails today repeating the same information I've tried to send about four times before and which I can't for the life of me figure out why they aren't being delivered. So, I'm going to post here the contents of one of the messages I forwarded, which is responsive to your email regarding the SJ's chips. ----- jim o\-S
Reproduction of email follows (edited to delete some extraneous material):
Archie ----- h'm, very strange. I sent two messages
within a few minutes of each other; you got one, not the
other. This time, I have blocked & copied the text from the
most recent forwarding and am going to add it below, rather
than forwarding the entire message. Maybe it will get
through that way.
Message follows:
Don't know what's going on with my email, Archie. I sent
this message to you once, then forwarded it after I got your
previous inquiry. Trying again now. Hope you get it this
time. ----- jim o\-S
Subject: [Fwd: Sonoma Joe's]
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 00:16:03 -0700
From: Jim Reilly <runtam@pacbell.net>
To: MRNJCHIPS@aol.com
Archie ----- based on your message tonight, I assume you
did not receive my reply to your earlier message, so am
forwarding my file copy (to lazy to retype it!). -----
jim o\-S
Subject: Re: Sonoma Joe's
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 21:09:51 -0700
From: Jim Reilly <runtam@pacbell.net>
To: MRNJCHIPS@aol.com
Hi Archie ----- too bad you couldn't make the NorCal
meeting; it was nothing short of amazing.
> In an earlier post you had mentioned that you were still looking for
> some missing Sonoma Joe's Casino chips. Which one(s) specifically
> would they be?
Thanks to Mel, I am now missing only one SJ's chip -- the
serially numbered Bat Masterson Western Gambling $5 chip.
This was one of a series of these chips issued by 20 (or 21,
can't remember exactly) different California card rooms.
They made 600 of each; 250 numbered and 350 unnumbered.
They are Paul-son chips.
> I've still got quite a few CHIPCO notched ones left. ... I've still got
> close to 40 different (sides) in my personal collection. ... I might
> even have one or two that you don't even know about!
Well, that would certainly be interesting if you did have an
otherwise unknown chip. There is some uncertainty about the
Year of the Pig chips (Eastman's CA book lists only the $1,
$3 and $5 chips; Jung-Pfaender also lists a $5 and a $10;
but Mel says he doesn't think there were any $5 or $10 pig
chips and I've never seen one or had a verifiable report
that anyone has one of either denomination).
Would love to see a list of what you have (for chips with
the SJ's obverse, the colors would be helpful). Or, if you
can scan them or send photocopies, I could probably
determine which original chip each sample is from.
Thanks again, Arch! ----- jim o\-S