Hmmm! Have to disagree with you there Rick even though it is true i did have good position for a raise with 8 callers i would not have got everybody to fold anyway even if i do raise and frankly A2 is only a calling hand with so many players still in the pot. I could not have forced the guy with AK out with a hand grenade and he NEVER raised only called all the way! After the flop i am a million miles in front and i know it with A,10,2 on the flop what can any re-raiser possibly have? pair of 10's? Nope. A,10? No way. Pair of 2's? Unlikely. 10,2? I dont think so! I have to put the re-raiser with Ace and a rag or a speculative straight draw at best. I can only win this hand or split the pot and am absolutely right to get all my money in the pot i am in front and any caller can only do so from a position of weakness and A,3 must know (if he stops to think for one second) that he can only split the pot at very best against such strong betting. You forget that when i started the betting after the flop i knew i was in front!