Pet Passing NCR

Two days ago we lost our female ShihTzu to old age. She spent her entire life of 16+ years with us. We had dogs all 50 years of our marriage. For Ann this was the toughest one to lose. She slept next to Ann every night. Our other dog,Hannah ,an 8 year old always sleeps on the floor next to the bed. Both dogs ate from the same dish. They had both table food & mighty dog, dog food. The last 2 nights Hannah left chicken & steak on the plate for Nicky. Whichever dog ate first they always saved enough for the other dog. We still have not told the other family members. It will be tough to do. Nicky was cremated & her ashes will be saved in a cedar box with her name on it. It will probably be kept on the bookcase headboard of the bed , next to Ann. For now one dog will be enough for us.