I have not emailed you, nor do I agree with the hatred messages you claim to have received in personal emails. As for your political views ... I have not challenged them either. I challenged your ban all non-chip subjects censure policy. As for your political affiliation, you are certainly within your rights to be whatever you choose to be. I've been a registered democrat for more than 40 years. However, I support our current President George Bush and his foreign policy with respect to Iraq and I think he's doing a fine job.
Please don't lump me in with those who have sent you "hatred" emails. As the club founder and HOF member (which you have cited), I'm not responsible for them or their actions. This club membership of 3,000 individiuals is a microcosm of our society as a whole. Everybody is different and as so, act as individuals. If your view of some individuals have changed since your post was made as a result of follow-up message board posts, or emails received, that too is a choice you have to make.
I've learned a long time ago Calvin. Thechipboard is more than just a vehicle to express chip-related topics. Whenever anyone posts a message on this public message board on any subject, they must expect that others with an opposing view will express themselves as well.
My advice; If you don't want to read any responses to your posts ... then don't create the post. I've dealt with harsh emails over the years as a result of some of my chipboard posts, attacking my credibility and reputation and threatening action against me. Such is the nature of the beast we live with. Learn to ignore most of it and get on with life. Each time you respond only gives fuel to another response ... such as the one I'm now making.