The rules are CLEARLY stated for everyone to see and this is an OPEN and mostly uncensored forum. (I say mostly as obviously vulgarities or outright threats are not allowed.
Here is my suggestions
1) If you dont like a post, a poster, or a thread, DONT READ IT !!!. Just skip over it and go on with your life.
2) You dont like Democrat jokes?, post a Republican joke !!!
3) Host your own Board, and talk about whatever you like.
I am simply amazed at the amount of current threads involving namecalling and asking for cencorship and change on a bullitin board that SOMEONE ELSE OWNS AND RUNS.
I cant believe the cahoonzas on some people here who come to Gregs Board and demand change.
Can someone please tell me what these people are thinking?
Thank you Greg for making this possible for all of us, even those who wish to change your own rules.
Just my humble opinion.