First of all I don't have to explain ANYTHING to anyone. That being said because you asked nicely I will explain my statemnet for you.
The area of homes and apartments behind the Stratosphere, currently in the process of being torn down is known as the "Boston" area also called by many locals Naked City. It is a very dangerous location and has been since I came to Las Vegas in 1976. Why they call it the Boston area is unknown to me. I do not believe it has anything to do with Boston, Mass. Now since I answered your question perhaps you will answer mine. When are you going to quit with this Mr. Splashbar? Isn't your name Brian?

. Perhaps you should get it legally changed since you insist upon calling yourself a name that no longer means anything. The bar is gone Brian perhaps you should deal with it and find yourself a new "handle". One that makes sense to the new members and new lurkers