We were robbed............
Friday morning between 8:30 and 9:15am. I went to the Post Office after my wife went to work and when I came home 40 minutes later I found a rasacked home. They took our plasma TV, both computers, digital camera, my nice watch, most of my wifes jewerly (not the good stuff, though), and a bunch of other stuff. One one kicker in this story is that they did not touch ANY of my 650+ casino chips I have displayed and stored in our homes study. I still can't figure out why, in the casino capital of the world, why they would not take any of those chips. They could have easily taken them right off the walls still in their dsiplay cases. Anyway, If any of you have emailed me in the past three days, I'll answer as soon as I get my email up and running. Thanks for listening. BTW - I still have some nice Atlantic City chips ending on

tomorrow night!!