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The Chip Board Archive 17
Does it make any difference...
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Possible, but remember, the weight of whatever
...if the cargo consists entirely of hundreds of shipping containers filled with home poker chip sets made by cheap labor from the Far East?
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Messages In This Thread
NCR For The Engineers On The Board NCR
Weight of ships has to be in the calculation
Ahh - I see, thank you David.
True, but since water is fluid............
That is probably too complex an answer for Bill
From a hamburger engineers point of view
Re: From a hamburger engineers point of view
Re: From a hamburger engineers point of view
Possible, but remember, the weight of whatever
Does it make any difference...
Perhaps the system only needed to...
Re: NCR For The Engineers On The Board NCR
NCR Didn't mean to open a can of worms but NCR
Re: NCR Didn't mean to open a can of worms but NCR
Re: NCR Didn't mean to open a can of worms but NCR
Re: NCR Didn't mean to open a can of worms but NCR
Greg is correct, but no it would not overflow
That makes sense.....
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