Hi Doug... The offence is great..so far! But Tebow hasn't had to come from behind...ever. So that will be a test. And the defence has no pass rush and is almost all new players. LSU is going to be tough... Its pretty much a given nowadays that the home team wins and LSU is at home this year. Then you have the dreaded Spurier and SC...and FSU and Gerogia...lol! Tebow will be fine until somebody knocks him out cold. Plus Tenns QB had a broken finger and it showed during the game. Do you guys have this ticket thing out there like here? You can buy any bowl ticket right now. Sounds pretty cool. BTW...Remember your kid from here that backed out...Brantley?... He is the 3-4 string QB. Still don't know why he changed his mind when he knew it was Tebows team.
Take care.... And I never got the Honus Wagner card you promised me... what did you do sell it for a few mill?
USC is over rated....