Debby Meister has designed a common back for the chips. All you need to supply is the following: A photograph or other camera ready art, your membership number, quantity/colors required. Your chips will be manufactured with your picture on one side and the appropriate back as shown on the webpage. You can re-use your Splashbar picture if you like. There is a choice of the 9 regular colors available and also an appropriate new black & orange and you can have whatever mixture you like!
Deadline for ordering is 10 October to ensure I get all chips delivered to you at least one week before Halloween.
You can order your chips through the shopping cart on the webpage or by emailing me. These chips are being supplied at close to cost. Any net proceeds will be donated to the
Anyone wanting this style of custom chip for any other purpose, I can provide them at the same prices quoted + 5c a chip. If artwork is needed, Debby Meister is available for the usual $25 fee.