Real Nice set John!

Messages In This Thread
- What Happened to the Rio WSOP Chips? Here is a pic
- Re: What Happened to the Rio WSOP Chips? Here is a
- Could be, but where are the real WSOP chips?
- Re: Could be, but where are the real WSOP chips?
- Got an email suggesting they reuse them for other
- Re: Got an email suggesting they reuse them for ot
- Re: Got an email suggesting they reuse them for ot
- Here is a PIX of my set, notice the Rio lettering
- Re: Sure is BEAUTIFUL John!
- Thanks Dennis !! You have some gems in that frame
- Real Nice set John!
- World Stars of Poker, ceramics, Far East!...
- Re: World Stars of Poker, ceramics, Far East!...
- Archie, I don't disagree with you...
- "Having said "stuff", dare I use the "B" word?"
- Re: Archie, I don't disagree with you...
- Re: World Stars of Poker, ceramics, Far East!...
Copyright 2022 David Spragg