My first deposit for $21.75...300 days to go

Yep....have a great start already in my bank.Cashed in a whole crapload of bottles(we get 5 cents to 20 cents for every beverage container up here).Total refund was $21.75! All of it went into the "pig" which has its bottom plug taped AND glued shut and, on the pig,written in black marker, reads:CCGTCC CONVENTION 2008,NOT TO BE OPENED UNTIL JUNE 4TH(my birthday....cause we may come down a couple of weeks early.Hmmmmm....I wonder how much I can save this year?I think that I might have a contest for the total.....hmmmmm.....I will have to give that some thought:>)
Decided that I was allowing myself two Starbuck's lattes a week instead of 7-10.Cutting my poker magazine buys to two a month instead of 6(after many times do we have to read the same thing?),and am donating 10% of my poker winnings after each session, which will go into the fund.That should get some money into that greedy little pig.
Will also have to get some pics of this pig before and after
By the way....a container which works real well and can be glued shut,is one of those fancy liquor tins that show up at Christmas with the bottle inside.You can save alot of moolah in those.
Just imagine coming to the show with "free" money to spend on almost chip that you wish or perhaps a buy-in to a poker tourney?
Members who follow through with this are going to be very happy campers:>)
You can thank me since I am not shy....if you wish to donate say....hmmmm...10% of your savings as a gesture of appreciation?....I will consider accepting it:>)
Let's get it started.
NO EXCUSES for missing next year!