I loved the Hard Rock from my first visit (a week after it opened) and would make a trip to pick-up their latest issues, whenever I heard about them (the Hard Rock chips have been a favorite part of my collection from the beginning). I can't for the life of me remember, but somehow I got introduced to "Cheques in the Mail" (ever heard of them??

) and it was all over

!! It was like Christmas every month when their flyers would hit the mailbox...great, GREAT fun!! The final flood-gate opened when my wife arrived home one Saturday, complaining that the Masonic Hall that she thought was having a craft boutique was having some stupid casino stuff show instead (thank you, Jim Munding

). At that show, I got to see some of the really purty old chips and down the slippery slope (happily, I might add) I went

. And yes, I did the mandatory walk up & down the Strip to collect one chip from every casino

I would like to provide another comment regarding why I collect the old Las Vegas chips versus the smaller towns -- I like Las Vegas!! Not many cities around where you can do pretty much anything you want at any time, day or night. That's my story and I'm sticking to it
. Bedo
PS -- Tyrus, you owe me one of your latest personals...I forgot, you forgot, whatever...