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The Chip Board Archive 17
Re: So, who will be elected into the
Hall of
In Response To:
So, who will be elected into the
Hall of Fame
Ron ,
I Nominated someone , whom I will not say , just incase He or she doesn't get in .
But I Do think Jim Kruse should be in also. But I would be willing to bet that Jim Steffner will be inducted .
and Gene , I'll see you tonight
Marc Shapiro
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So, who will be elected into the
Hall of Fame
Re: I Voted For.........................
Re: So, who will be elected into the
Hall of
I agree Mark, Jim Steffner would be a good choice!
Super chip Ron !!
Thanks, I wondered if anyone would notice it
Re: Thanks, I wondered if anyone would notice it *
So Pam, show us some of the great stuff you have!
Re: So, who will be elected into the
Hall of
Yes, I would like to see Len Cipkin also.
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