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The Chip Board Archive 17

Re: Richard
In Response To: Re: Richard ()

I did read it.... and it clearly states "in my mind", qualifying the entire statement. I am not even coming close to questioning their use in any form shape or manner. I am 100 percent stating that due to my thorugh recollection of the issue, I am certain that my mind was not playing tricks on me, and they were in fact the ones used at the Saratoga Arrowhead, and therefore this is merely stating a conclusion. Read further on page 17, and you ,will see I totally question years of involvement.....1932 to 1935 when Bauer takes on the Ohio Syndicate, the same Syndicate that bought the Saratoga Arrowhead in 1912 from Levengston and turns it into a Casino.... and then in 1937 goes belly up, while the Saratoga Arrowhead cotinues until 1949, when it closed its doors in favor of the Piping Rock as its replacement, but continues to be the saturday meeting place of Lanskey, Costello, Adonis, Coakley, Farone, Morrison, ,P.J. Sullivan,Oathwaite and many others. They were there and their cars were there.

It was interesting most recently, that I purchased a steamer Trunk through one of my locally run ads. It was from the daughter of a women, who was the widow of the former caretaker of the Arrowhead Inn. He had paseed away, but she still resided in an assistated care residence located in North Bennington Vermont, about 35 miles from Saratoga Springs. I bought it for several reasons....... 1. it came out of the Arrowhead......2. the daughter needed the money to pay some of the arrears on the assissted living rent.....3. probably the most important reason... It unequivically once belonged to Sophie Tucker, who appeared at the Arrowhead as the headliner numerous times, as well as the Piping Rok, just down the road. 4. It was in pristine condition for its years(something you don't find in these vintage trunks due to their years.) Among sheet music, Arrowhead menus, personal items, paperwork of the times, and an actual key bearing an obvious aged key and a fob bearing the letters S.T. there was one last important item. It contained one of these very same Chips we are discussing about at the present time. Perhaps Sophie had kept it all this time from her appearances at the Ohio Arrowhead, a place not know to feature Paul Whieman, Desi Arnes, Bing Crosby, Jimmy Durante, Danny Thomas, Hildegarde, Lucille Ball and Gracie Field, to name a few.

Or was it even more proof these Chips were used at the Saratoga Arrowhead??

Messages In This Thread

Brook Club,Saratoga NY, redux--includes chip picts
Good book on Saratoga chips and gambling
his email addresses
Re: Arrowhead Hill-Branch Hill OH
OK, Happy Birthday, Gene.
Gene, he says they are Ohio, not New York
the hot-stamped ones he calls Saratoga
Re: the hot-stamped ones he calls Saratoga
Re: Robert Rebert Robert
Re: Robert Rebert Robert
Re: Richard
Re: Richard
Re: Richard
Re: Richard
Re: Richard
Re: Richard
Re: Richard??????
Re: Richard??????
Re: Richard 2
Re: Richard 2
Re: Richard 2
Re: Richard 2
Re: Gene, he says they are Ohio, not New York
Re: Thank You

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