Around 1970 I was in college and when not trying to shut down the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee to protest the war, I wanted to see if I could find a "scheme" to win at BJ. I used our engineering department PDP-8 and did the programming in Basic. I had some sort of computer at home and put my program on a casette tape to take home. I remember that in order to run 10000 hands it took about 8-10 hours

Today you can run 10 million hands in a few seconds. I basically came up with the same scheme that you get on those little plastic cards at the casino gift shop. In fact I still have the printout of the program I worte.
One other bit that may be interesting. One University member had a "show and tell" with a new product that he was experimenting with. He was running the moon landing program (remember that one?) on a new screen. Instead of a TV he was using what he called a "plasma" display. It had no where near the resolution of todays displays but I think that the basic idea was the same.