When I picked up my rental car in Detroit last week, I opted to rent a Garmin GPS with it. I knew I was going to be trying to find my way around some very rural areas in Canada, and I've been known to get lost trying to navigate interstate highways.

That little talking map was amazing, and it really saved my rear Saturday night when a head on collision caused a six hour closure of the road between the race track and the town that was known to me as the only route to my motel. I just entered the address of my motel, turned left instead of right to leave the track, and the GPS told me where to go! I get told where to go all the time, but this time, it was a very good thing!

Three different dirt roads, and turns in directions I thought for sure would end my journey in some farmer's barn actually lead me right to the highway I needed.
I had to have one after that experience, and found a Garmin Street Pilot 330 (the same unit that I rented for $10.99/day) on sale at Best Buy for $279.99, with a $20 Best Buy gift card included as a bonus. Yeah baby! Knowing that I'd now want one every time I rent a car in unfamiliar places (which will happen at least 8 more times this year), this little wonder will pay for itself in three months. It wasn't that long ago that these things cost $600-$700... God, I love high technology!