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The Chip Board Archive 17
Re: Does Paris Hilton have her own chips?
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Does Paris Hilton have her own chips?
the Paris is named after her, and the Hilton is named after her family. Planet Holly wood sounds like her home, Hard FRock sounds like her recent life (or is it Circus Circus?).
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Baccarat chip question
Re: Baccarat chip question
Re: Baccarat chip question
Does Paris Hilton have her own chips?
Re: Does Paris Hilton have her own chips?
I thought Paris was a Harrah's Property, and....
Re: I thought Paris was a Harrah's Property, and..
I never stayed there, but it was one...
Re: I never stayed there, but it was one...
He understood the concept, but was too cheap
good thing he saved a dime.
Not only that, but on the same trip....
Re: Not only that, but on the same trip....
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Re: With plants I have a black thumb,...
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