Good Food, Good Company

Oh man, you'll see what a blast the conventions are Mike! The banquet is something you don't want to miss. I had salmon last year. Buffet style serving line with choices for everyone, good deserts and a bar over in the corner. Very good food and attentive service, the Riv treats us real well. I go stag every year and just cruise around and inquire for an empty seat. Met some awesome chippers at my table over the years so that is why this event is important. The speakers are always outstanding, even the ones beside Bob Stupak, Oscar Goodman or Robert Maheu. The Q&A after the speaker's presentation is pretty lively as well. Awards for the Thingie Of The Year reps, Recruiters Of The Year, etc and then go get your traders for the big trade session. Good food for the evening, pleasant memories for the next year and new friends for the rest of your life.