You CAN order chips with the color going going out to the edge of the chip without the rig (area of no color). The chips without the "ring" are called "Full bleed" chips, since the color of the chip covers the entire surface of the chip.
I am aware of this process because when I ordered the A C Club 12th Anniversary chips from Chipco I asked for the color to cover the entire face of the chip and they made the chips that way for me. Wear was not an issue with the A C Ckub chips - it was a matter of how the chips looked and I thought they would look better with out the "Ring" around the edge. I had noticed the "Ring" around the edge of the chips when Chipco sent me the initial proofs of the chip designs.
I know you have a set of the A C Club Chips - if you could post them - then people would be able to see a "full bleed" Chipco chip. I would post a scan, but my scanner is not working prpperly at this time.
Take care,