I emailed eBay about that three years ago

And they came back with some wording I could not grasp.Tried it again last year and same result.To me it is just laziness on their part.If the sellers make more then eBay makes more.Where is the problem? This would actually cut back on the amount of sniping.Let's face it....most of the action is usually in the last few minutes anyway.So,if that is the case then why not make it so that sellers benefit more? A live auction goes on until the last bidder wins....there is no time limit... so why not do the same with an internet auction?If an auction is bid on in the last 5 minutes,then that auction is extended 5 minutes....not difficult to do.Everyone would win.
It's eBay...they do what suits them when they feel like doing it.I mean really....how many of the new features introduced over the past few months or last couple of years have really helped the seller make more money?Not too many.In fact...most of the new features added have only helped pad the pockets of eBay.Look at all of their seller "features": 25 cents here....50 cents there....$1.00 over there etc.,all the way up to $19.95.They tell us that research shows that sellers make more with these features.I tend to disagree.I think eBay is the big winner there.
Only game in town though....so ya have to play by their rules.