OK Katie let me splain to you.
I believe in most cases when sellers put a chip on ebay they have more than one available. When I buy a new LE, I always buy a small quanity 1 for my collection, 1 for my trader book, and 2 or 3 or more for ebay. I only want to put 1 on ebay as opposed to a dutch auction. If I get more than one bid, I can than email my 2nd, 3rd 4th etc bidders. and offer them the same chip at their bid price, and get around paying ebay an additional commission. Some on this board believe that if a person bids on your auction, but are not the high bidder
than they still belong to you, so you can than contact them outside of ebay. Others on this board believe that once your auction is over than those bidders are fair game to be emailed and offered the same chip by another seller. To take it one step further, some believe you should not email a losing bidder and offer them the same chip at the bidders lesser bid. They feel it is not fair to the high bidder. I hope this helps.
Best Regards,