That means that someone who wants to go to college in Texas pays less if they are from Mexico than if they were from say Louisiana.
On the way to work every day I see more Signs, Billboards and Bumper Stickers in Spanish than I do in English. Makes me wonder if Texas is really part of the US at all?
And the most amazing thing of all, our president (Whom I voted for) knows better than anyone the problems of immigration seeing that he was raised in Texas, keeps pushing an amnesty bill !!!!!!!!
Simply amazing.
And before anyone start lableing me as a Bigot, My grandparents come from Poland and Israel. They immigrated here legally, learned to speak english and became legal US citizens. They NEVER demanded free healthcare, free SS benefits, free education and worked for everything they achieved!!!!!!!!!
The whole situation makes me sick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!