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The Chip Board Archive 17

Re: My Rant on illegal immigrants ncr

You aren't alone Skip. This influx of illegal immigrants pisses me off to no end! I work w/ them every day. What really kills me is the Unions (from a strong Union person's standpoint) and or Gov't won't, not can't, do ANYTHING about it. Their answer is open the doors and come ruin our country like you did your own. Well, they may not have personally ruined it but the Gov't and leaders they love and admire did. This has nothing to do w/ Democrat or Republican. It is about us, the middle class vs. them, our Govt and the illegals. I have went so far as to write my Congressmen and Senators. I urge everyone to do the same! Whew........... Don't get me started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WRITE IN LOU DOBBS FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grin

Messages In This Thread

My Rant on illegal immigrants ncr
That Kills Me Skip!!!
Re: My Rant on illegal immigrants ncr
You think thats rediculous?????
Doug You Are Right On!!
Give Texas to them. Good idea..
Sounds like we should give them all......

Copyright 2022 David Spragg