The one I'll be using tomorrow is to Vegas baby! Knowing how heavy my work schedule will be this summer, last Saturday I checked out the travel and airline websites for a good deal on a flight to Vegas (gotta get your ya-ya's out occasionally or you'll go crazy). Found one at decent price, then went shopping for hotels. Nothing in Vegas that was cheap was particularly desirable to me, so I looked at Laughlin. I haven't stayed there (Laughlin) since 2000 or 2001, and the Edgewater had rooms for $23/night, so that's where I'm going!
I've had good luck gambling at the Edgewater in the past, and am looking forward to having the same type of luck again.
I do plan on looking around the casinos within walking distance of the Edgewater for good examples of house chips and maybe a few LE's, and since my flight home Tuesday is an evening flight, I'll probably spend a better part of Tuesday in Vegas casino hopping. I'm gonna have some fun!