Re: Trading

For me,I love the trade.Usually I do not care that much about value(unless it is a rare chip of course),as long as both people are happy and we can both add to our collection.
I know that are a few...luckily not many... traders who always want to come out ahead,but,after that first trade,I simply won't deal with them again.
Found out when I was a lapel pin collector years ago,that a couple of the guys were taking advantage of new collectors, and they would always come out way ahead.I made it known in no uncertain terms that what they were doing was wrong and exceptionally dishonest and dishonorable(I was club president).They were not happy about that.Tough! me the trade is the best and that is why I always advertise that I would rather trade.
There is nothing better than to getting a few duplicate chips(or pins or swizzle sticks...whatever)and then offering them for entirely new items.
I just make sure that the terms are in black and white:Offer me what you are willing to part with.This way no one gets hurt.If I want a chip of yours,then I will give you a list to choose from.Can't go wrong there.
SPEAKING ABOUT still have a few(not many) of these left.Any more takers?