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The Chip Board Archive 17

and the third problem is

there are more coming out regularly. My problem is once you frame a nice collection, what about next month when you have 5 more boxing chips? I guess you then start planning the next frame!

Suggestions from me? Yeah, like my 'system' is worth recommending. I don't have any frames yet and just keep mine in binders. I can't decide which chips to display in easles and which ones to put in airtites, and which ones to put in binders, and should I organize by casino or theme? I don't like decisions! I do have several frame ideas but not willing to spend the money right now. Also have several personal chip design ideas but also not willing to spend the money.

BTW, I think it may have been you that bought my boxing LE in the scan below...I still haven't sold the others in the scan.


Messages In This Thread

I hear good things come in 3's? vbg (Chips for sale)
I can see them right away.... there must be a lot of
Re: there must be a lot of
and the third problem is
Someone used to post a picture
There are only around 3000 current members
Wow, so now my questions is

Copyright 2022 David Spragg