Hey everyone. Long time forum troll, first time poster. I came across some chip's at a yard sale a few weeks back that I cannot seem to gather any concrete info on. It’s a off pink colored diamond mold with a dull gold stamp “the Avalon” on the obverse, and “12 ½” cent on the reverse. I have googled and googled and came up conflicting information. It seems to be from the a casino in the Santa Catalina Islands California that was built in the late 20’s and busy through the 30’s and 40’s. The problem is some sites I found tell me that it was an active casino and others tell me there was no actual gambling so to speak, but rather just used for bands and a dance hall more than anything. It says there is a museum in the casino building today.
Was it perhaps and illegal from the casino? Maybe backroom games? I know most of the 12 1/2 cent chips I’ve read about were used for Pan’Am payouts? Or am I just completely wrong about everything?
Any info would be greatly appreciated.