My guess is that you might be better off checking out, where there is a greater interest in creating replicas of real casino chips, particularly in sets. I'm relatively new here but I have seen a fair amount of criticism of replica chips (other than the classic commemorative Borlands, I guess). I know one concern is that the creation of replicas might confuse inexpert collectors and harm the collecting hobby.
Granted, this is the top place on the planet to see the best examples of beautiful "old school" casino chips, so that may provide you with inspiration on many aspects of classic chip design, but if you are seeking a collaborative process to come up with a design for a set of chips, there are sections of the site that are specifically geared toward that type of process.
Again, I'm a relative "newbie" to this board and would never presume to speak for the phalanx of experienced chippers who make their home here but that is my perception.
Best of luck in your quest. I check out all the time so I may see you there if you sign up.
Best regards,