This is your closest try yet. Here is the url you put into the Optional Image URL box:
I looked on the server, and the actual name of the file you uploaded was:
monaco 5.jpg
As you can see, there is a space between the "o" and the "5". When you scan these image, don't use spaces or capital letters in your filenames and you will just about have the problem licked.
I also noticed that the "monaco 5.jpg" file you uploaded did not actually upload for some reason as it shows a 0 bytes file size on my server.
1) rename the "monaco 5.jpg" file on your computer to "monaco5.jpg"
2) go to "File Upload" in the above menu and upload it again making sure when you are done that the program tells you that the upload was successful and shows that the file was something other than 0 bytes
3) come back here and put the url in a message again and it should work fine.
4) No pulling on your hair during this exercise! <g>