After being wiped out Tuesday in a $1 & $5 7 card game when three players were throwing away their money at a furious paste--I couldn't get into the action with bad bad cards but finally got As,Ac w/Qh up and so I raised the opening and the lady to my right re-raised and the fun began. She had been in almost every pot and at one point said to me, "I've been playing this game for 60 years." Good grief, you'd think she'd learn something in that span of time. But when the dust settled, she outdrew me with 8s & 3s (she started with 10, 3 & 8 rainbow, hustled a 10 on 5th street and a 3 on the river and took down a pot of over $70!)....but she was only one of three that stole my kids' inheritances.

so I loved reading your report of Mike's woes. Misery loves company.