I've been sitting back and taking abuse from people who like to criticize with out knowing any facts. It is now time that I speak up.
When I was appointed to this position, it was due to my willingness, and the fact that the previous appointee did not do the job. There was nothing to do with spending money. I also like many, do not have any journalistic abilities, I'm just a collector who wishes to help the club.
When Archie Black appointed me, he informed me that the duties were to publicize and promote the existance of our club (year round), via the use of periodic news releases and paid advertising in the print media. My duties also were seperate and apart from the Convention Publicity Chairman Vincent Mowery.
This position of Publicity Director had No formats, No contacts, No records, No nothing. The only thing I did have, was the full support of the Officers.
Please read part 2