"The Endless Chip Run"

Hi Everyone,
Am embarking on an adventure of a lifetime. My sweetie, Nancy and I have both sold our homes, here in $o-Cal, and are going RVing for a couple of months, and then August 5th we are getting married at Lake Tahoe...Then we are headed for the Southeast to look for a home. (Am already a Florida chapter member, hint) It is a slim possiblity that I will get to Las Vegas by the end of that week, am going to try. Any way my regular computer will shut down tomorrow, along with the scanner. Sooooo, will only have a lap top. Still able to trade. Have a new address, for those that I have been selling, buying and trading with ...Will be able to do all the same stuff, but it will take a little longer. If you see chips falling out of a Class "C" RV going on down the road, then you will know who it is lol...Sincerely