First Greg, for taking over as club webmaster and building the chipboard... and actually being a really nice guy.
Archie, for starting such a wonderful organization
Andy for his Wednesday night poker games
Doug Smith for his hospitality and my other convention drinking buddies.
Joe Programmer, Ditch Dog and Shoop for the live games.
Gene, for all his has done for me.
Charles Kaplan for being a friend
Marc Shapiro 3000 miles away and still a freind
Marty Kaplan for getting me through the difficult times and my #1 Chip Buddy
Barry my roulette reading buddy, sorry it takes me so long to complete a trade
All the people I hug and shake hands with year after year.
Wayne, Belinda, and Mike for all they done for this club.
The countless idiots who made my life miserable when I was VP.. thanks for the lesson, No more public office.
The annual Susong Burger group
Steve P and Jay Sands, just pleasant to be around
Jim Follis for always inviting me to a BBQ
Ralph Myers, funny freindly and made me look like a hero one Saturday Night
and to all the people I left off that I come into contact with a few days a year