High bids are $130 by Rick Rockwell and $130 for Skip Harouff. Thanx guys!
Shown below are the chips that will be sent to the winners.
PS to the $125 bidder: $10 more is really only $7 more post taxes. I read where Doug Saito is raising money for a cure for breast cancer. I hope this auction might help.
I will auction these genuine antique (not the recent repro stuff currently on ebay) ivory $5 chips. The winners will go to the site mentioned in Doug's post (http://www.thechipboard.com/cgi-bin/tcb/tcb.pl?read=614636) and make the tax deductible contrbution (don't forget to join "Doug's Team"). Besides the ivory, you will receive Doug's chip, consevatively valued at $10.
The ivory chip you will receive from me is a NEW FIND (new code IO-OZ). I would value the chip at $125 to $150. Minimum bid on this auction is $75. Anyone that know ivory can see that this is one of the prettier $5s. The chips are most likely from the 1800s, although it is possible that they was made in the 1700s.
If I get 2 bids OVER (not equal to) $125, I will award a chip to each of the 2 high bidders.
Here is your chance to own a better than average genuine ivory and not worry about buying a repro.
Post your bid (or email me and I'll post it anonymously, if you like). Auction ends Friday 11:00 pm east cost (is that EST or DST?).
Minimum bid is $5 greater than the current second high bid.