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The Chip Board Archive 16
Andy, what happened?
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down to 2 players and Andy is still in..
I checked my email and came back and you had lost $30,000!???
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If anybody is around, I'm at the final table...
Watchin'! You are doing well!
I am Watching
down to 3 players and Andy is #1 right now...
Don't we get a watchers fee??? LOL!
Re: A black book of matches from PH.
Soooooooooooo NOT funny! LOL!
down to 2 players and Andy is still in..
Andy, what happened?
What happened, Dawn was...
You know what is scarier Andy???
Re: You know what is scarier Andy???
Okay, now THAT is Funny!!!
GREAT game Andy $2nd
Thanks, Steve & Dawn!
And Steve...
Congrats, Andy!!
Re: Nice job Andy.
Re: Andy Hughes-wooooooooo
Thanks, Michael & Aaron!
Re: WTG ANDY!!!!!
Dawn & Steve! I just transferred both of...
My first official funding!!!
OK Playing your 50% $3.30 game at 1:00am #47725878
So how did you do Steve?
still playing... did you do, Steve??
Steve, we need to know if Andy is rich now???
79th place $4.01 Andy received $2
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