Indian Casino Round Robin Participants,
The round robin was mailed today, USPS confirmation # 0303 0130 0000 0085 3815
I decided to put 10 of my personal chips in the round robin, one for each participant.
You may take one and replace it with your own personal chip or another chip if you don't have a personal.
Please do not take any of the personal chips from other chippers, only take my personal chip.
This is the order of the round robin:
1) Dwain Ryan
538 Prairie Avenue
Janesville, WI 53545-1714
2) Fred Hempel
16303 Ashington Park Dr.
Tampa, Fl. 33647
3) Don Logerwell
2832 43rd Ave. W.
Seattle, WA 98199-2424
4) Luke Rapley
2620 Betty Drive
Buford, GA 30519
5) Norman Patton
4160 Northwood Court
Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215
6) Jim Follis
5169 N. Windriver Place
Tucson, AZ 85750
7) Stu "The Count" Lovett
9018 Balboa Blvd. # 613
Northridge, CA 91325
8) Rick Pokracki
6609 Klinger Lane
Plainfield, IL 60586-6917
9) Sunday Silverman
P.O. Box 2546
Palm Springs, CA 92263
10) Fred DeKeyser
244 W. Third Street
Manteno, IL 60950-1106
Return to:
11) Charles Kaplan
11 Calais Court
Rockville Centre, NY 11570