Mike, I was loopy to get in the car at 50. There is no doubt that I will never get in it again. It pulls 3G on launch and is going 70mph in 60 feet. while it will,run the 1/4 mile, it was built to run the 1/8 mile, which it can do in 4.4 seconds at close to 160mph. I detuned it this summer and put the son in law in it and let him make 5, 1/4 mile pases. He ran 8:90 the first pass, and by the end of the day he made 2 7:90 passes. At 30 your BA**LS are bigger then your brains. I sent the car back east with him in the fall. He will run it at Epping NH.
I"m keep one here in case I am able to drive again. This one is not as violent but still can run high 8 second, low 9 second, 1/4 miles