I'd like to also make another point about autual "known" quantity and "reported" quantity: I feel there is only one (1) actual $500 chip from the original Club Royale ship. Knowing what the owner of Summit told me as far as only one of each denomination being within his four walls and what the casino management of Club Royale (and co-owner) told me about what each co-owner had in their personal possession (one example each of the $100), I believe there is only one $500 chip. How do I know? I was involved in the transfer from the chip's original sourse and in the hand-to-hand transfer from the second person to ever hold the chip to the cabinet in which it will rest for at least the next 100-years. (fact).
Unless some one can produce the other two actual free-standing chips....I'm calling this chip one-of-a-kind known and recorded.
Is this RARE, Archie? <g>